Living the Volunteer Spirit with programs and projects benefiting our community.
The GFWC Dunwoody Woman’s Club is committed to five Community Service Programs
The club supports charitable projects and activities that provide service and impacts individual and families in Dunwoody and the surrounding communities. The Dunwoody Woman’s Club expresses sincere gratitude for the longstanding support of our fundraising efforts that enable us to strengthen and enrich our community and beyond.

Arts & Culture
This program is designed to inspire and encourage club members to promote and support art activities in their clubs, communities and schools. The program also wants to encourage members to express their own artistic abilities with club activities and projects. Encourage attendance at public art, music and drama events. Sponsor art contests for students.

Civic Engagement and Outreach
This program is designed to support patriotism, historic preservation, Veterans and Military families, Disaster Preparedness, and Safety. It also encourages projects to help homeless shelters with food and clothing drives. Support for financial workshops for women, retirees, single parents and college students are included in this program. Organize a ‘day for girls” kits to provide feminine hygiene supplies so girls can go to school and work.

Education and Libraries
This program supports library and literacy programs for children and adults. Sponsoring little libraries and donating books for them in local communities are included in this program. Other examples include donations of school supplies to schools in the community including “just in case kits” for teachers. Develop projects to provide support for library needs. Suggestions for projects include donating books to schools, children’s hospitals, and other sites.

This program is designed to help members gain appreciation for our environment and educate their communities on the importance of being eco-friendly. This program promotes the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of our natural resources. It encourages members to enjoy nature by planting trees and native plants/wildflowers. Conservation of water and energy are encouraged in this program. Protecting wildlife habitats and providing needed items for animal shelters are included in this program.

Health and Wellness
This program is designed to support and encourage health initiatives and wellness activities in the club and in local communities for children, adults and families. Promoting healthy eating and exercise programs are encouraged in the club and community. Health screenings and health awareness days are projects that are included. Plan programs for breast cancer awareness, diabetes, heart health, and other health awareness days, including sponsoring health fairs and forums. Promote autism awareness and Easter Seals programs. Also included are Shot@Life, UNICEF, and Operation Smile projects.